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Tuesday 25 August 2015

Starbucks Coffee Halal atau Haram ?


Hye koranggg.... Wahhhh lama gak tak update blog ni.. Ni kalau dah masuk balik belajar lagi laa takde masa nak update blog... Huhuhuhu.. Maklum ler nak jadi seorang PELAJAR balik kannn.... Aduii.. Hahaahaha.. Okey la.. So logo kat atas ni one of my fav place that I love to go ! Hihihihi.. Yes ! It's Starbucks. Why Starbucks ? Hahahaha... Ramai pertikaikan Starbucks ni HALAL ke tak.. LOL ! FYI, Starbucks HALAL okayy !! Entah mana mana la korang dapat n dengar pasal Starbucks ni haram.. You guys boleh bace sendiri la.. Type kat google je confirm keluar banyak...

Astro Awani


Truth Halal

See.... Kalau still tak percaya korang boleh check sendiri la dekat sini .... Please selidik dulu sebelum nak berkata kata sesuatu yang tidak FAKTA tu okay ? Banyak proof dah mengesahkan bahawa Starbucks itu HALAL. So sekarang tak perlu la korang nak ragu ragu lagi.. Buat relax je.. :D And the best part is, korang sendiri boleh tengok Senarai Produk Starbucks Yang Sah Halal Dari Jakim !! Komfem korang YAKIN sekarang... (:

TruthHalal.my : Jangan mudah percaya pada viral dari sumber yang tidak diketahui. Hubungi Bahagian Hab Halal untuk maklumat terkini. 03 8892 5000/5001 (talian utama) 03 8892 5048 (PRO)

Sangat setuju dengan statement kat atas ni ! Fafaw pun dulu kalau orang cakap cakap pasal Starbucks ni haram la bla bla bla... Fafaw just buat dunno jee sebab Fafaw nak kaji sendiri sebelum percaya dorang cakap cakap macam tu.. Hahahaha.. Tapi tak tahulah kenapa Fafaw fanatic , obsess and addicted gile gile kat Starbucks ni.. Memang ketagih oh minum bende ni.. Aduiii.... Fafaw pun tak tahu macam mana Fafaw boleh tergile gile kat Starbucks ni... Padahal mana ada minum COFFEE.. Hahahaha..

Serious talk, Fafaw memang tak minum COFFEE punnn... Normally when I come to the store, I use to buy the Chocolate Creme Chip or Classic Chocolate. It is all about Chocolate.. Not even a single of COFFEE drink.. Hahaha.. That's weird cause, orang datang ke Starbucks untuk beli COFFEE but me ?? The main reason why this Starbucks is famous is because of the COFFEE. But I still don't know why I suke gile kat Starbucks ni... Semenjak kerja ni the moment when I feel like want to drink something cool and smoothies, I'll choose this. But, tak tahu kenapa Chatime , Coolblog and all such thing tu tak kene dengan tekak I ni. I've tried before to replace it with Starbucks because Starbucks ni kan costly. But then there are no effect at all !! I still prefer to Starbucks.. Hahahahaha..

In one week of working days, mesti ade beli bout 3 or 4 Beverages once a day either morning, afternoon or before balik, I sanggup singgah walaupun lewat especially in the morning before masuk office. I will buy 1 drink and mini cocktail that is always offer for morning section. For actual price of this mini cocktail was RM5.80, when you go buy on morning time, half of the price will be offered to RM3 ONLY! See... banyak tak beza? Bukan senang nak grab kalau Starbucks tengah murah.. Hahaha...

Okay one of the reason why I choose Starbucks is because of the quality of the drink. It is so compact and the ratios of the combination milk was so excellent. I would give 5 stars to Starbucks ! Another thing why I love this Starbucks so much is, when you bring your Starbucks tumbler, they will deduct for RM2 cut-off! from the actual price of your drink price. See ? You already save there much! Hehehehe... Next is, when you became as a Starbucks member, you can use your member card to collect a point. Like each drink they will give you 1 point. More point you collect, for next of your drink could be free! :D I was like so exciting when I have achieves that far. Once if you are already get for 10 points, you will get 1 free drink!

There are also got an application for Starbucks. Yes, you can get this application through your iPhone in Apps Store or maybe for android, you can go to the playstore for the applications. Hey, uhh... for those that already be as a membership, you MUST download this application okay? Because the advantage of this application is the moment when you were entering the store and you did NOT bring your member card . Arrghhhhh!! That is why this application is superb IMPORTANT !! In fact, you can just scan your bar code through your iPhone or any mobile phone. Wasn't that so amazing? This is a good application okay!

Check this out !

You can also check your balances before you buy your drink !

This is a bar code that you can scan if you didn't bring your member card..

Don't forget to register the member card and the application too !

Some of the reward could be this ;

Boarding Pass Holder

Mini Travel Beg

Some of the promotion will promote to you whenever you are reloading the card. Yaa.. perhaps when you reload above RM100 or within RM120 you may get this Starbucks Lanyard !!

Ohhh I am getting more exciting and feel like wants to go to the Starbucks like everyday maybe ? Hehehehe.. So what are you waiting for ? Don't waste your time. Because the application that you have download will always up-to-date with a lot more of promotions and rewards to collect ! Hoorayyy !! 

Hahahahahaha... Terliur takk ?? I yang tengah tulis blog ni pun rase macam nak terbang pergi beli kejap takkan you all tak terasa ? Hahahaha... Ni baru sikit. Korang patut cuba semua flavour ni.. Goshh.. memang meleleh leleh tengok kann dengan sweating nya.. Hehehe.. Apa lagi ? 

Jum lahh pilih tumbler korang...

Rambang mata kann? Hahaha.. Kalau dah fanatic sangat cenggini laa.. Poning kepala nak memilihnya nanti.. Harga dia pun memang berbaloi laa.. RM76 keatas.. Hehehe.. So pape pun, itu hak masing masing sama ade nak ke taknak kan.. Just suggest je... Okay la.. So sampai sini je la kot.. Ponat eden menaip bahase inggeris tadi.. Haahahaha.. Ok.. Bubyee.. Assaalammuaalaikumm .... XOXO

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