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Monday 28 January 2013

Busy .. Busy .. Busy .. !

Heyy guys ! Ohh wow !! Lamenyee I takk update Blog nieyy .. Maklum lerr , busy benooo semenjakk start kelas nieyy kann .. Kerja rumahh itu lahh , ini lahh .. Dahh lahh subject kali nieyy banyakk membace .. I memangg kene struggle sikit kat sem 2 nieyy .. By the way , all of lecturer yangg ajar I this time , I terima . What I mean is , I faham laa apee yangg diajar tu.. Regarding cara dorang terangkan satu per satu . I takk kesahh punn I masukk kelas yangg manee atas ke bawah ke kann .. At least , I dapat study ngan tenang and I faham apee yangg diajar tu . I takk boleyy laa nakk bersifat snobbish kann .. I punn takk de laa pandai manee .. Huhuhu .. Bukan nakk merendah diri , but its the truth . To be honest , for this sem , I banyak focus padee lect and the subject . Even my friend nakk bercakap kat I pun , I say stop ! sebab I nakk focus . Hehe .. Bukan I takk nakk dengar , but Ihave to be Focus ! Thats it .. Time lect bagi break tu , nakk cakap , cakap laa puas-puas . Just don't distract me during I was pay-attention to the lecturer okeyy ? Kannn dahh ber-Spekangg . Heee .. In every subject during in the class , I always duduk depan sekali , depan lecturer ! Lagi senang I nakk faham and pay-attention kann .. ? In fact , I also banyak bertanyee soalan padee lect tu if I takk faham . Banyak kebaikkan sebenarnyee if kitee duduk depan nieyy , takk rugi punn . Takk dee laa rasee mengantukk . That's what I'm doing and I hope , I did a right decision (: Ohh yaa ! I punn dahh buadd counting cgpa pointer for this sem . Hehe .. I dahh target apee yangg I nakk and I'll make sure that I will get 'Dekan' ! InsyaAllah .. Huhu .. Semangat sangat I nieyy .. Semoga apee yangg I usahakan kali nieyy , dapat membari hasil padee pointer this sem berbanding sem 1 . Hopefully increase . I will proof it ! Amin ~

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